MAKING SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING (2014), book by RED GALLERY, featuring interview with Dr Lida Hujić, pp 269 - 279
Celebrating 4 and half years of RED's cultural revolution in the centre of Shoreditch, RED GALLERY presents MAKING SOMETHING OUTOF NOTHING - a book and exhibition of prints cataloguing RED's role as cultural guardians, enabling communities and iconoclasts to transform derelict buildings into the magic of art studios, galleries, live events venues, creative offices, screening rooms, open air venue, street food market and bars. Designed by Jason Kedgely of the Tomato Group, digital copy of the book: http://issuu.com/redgallerylondon/docs/making_something_out_of_nothing
MAKING SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING on RED GALLERY's microsite (may no longer be available): http://redgallerylondon.com/event/making-something-out-nothing/1416510000-1416524400
MAKING SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING in The Guardian (18/11/2014): http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/nov/18/cultural-revolution-red-gallery-east-london-shoreditch-regeneration