Tuesday 31 August 2021, AURA online talks
Two speakers: HSBC will talk about their insight hub, and we'll also hear about the-first-to-know innovation diffusion model
Join Lida Hujić for a stimulating new take on innovation.
Introducing the-first-to-know innovation diffusion model, a fresh interpretation of ‘innovations diffusion’ that focuses on the 2.5% of the Innovator population, Lida’s presentation will show how their influence is mighty in shaping consumption patterns and important when thinking of innovation and re-setting post-pandemic economies and societies to create a better future.
Lida’s practice revolves around her passion for non-conformists, who challenge the status quo for the better good. She spreads this contagion through consulting, curating events and hosting talks, public speaking and authoring 2 critically acclaimed books. Described as ‘really hip’ by The Guardian, she’s regularly featured in the media. She has a PhD about MTV and holds a MTV Video Music Award in 'Best Academic Achievement'.
This was an online event in line with lockdown restrictions.